All CBD Myths Debunked

The number of cannabis users across the U.S. has increased drastically over the past few years. In fact, the 2020 lockdown following the outbreak of the novel COVID-19 virus actually presented a spike in cannabis consumption in the country.

The growing use and sale of cannabis products has also led to a lot of misconceptions surrounding the uses and benefits of the plant. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is one of the most popular and beneficial cannabis compounds. However, it is also one surrounded by ongoing myths in the market. 

This article focuses on 5 of the most common myths about CBD and what is actually rooted in truth. 

Myth #1: CBD Is Non-Psychoactive

Probably the most common myth that surrounds CBD is that it is non-psychoactive. People believe that only THC is psychoactive as it has the potential to intoxicate and impair the user’s ability to carry out basic functions like walking, speaking, or driving, as well as the influence of a euphoric and relaxed state of mind. The myth implies that since CBD does not impair brain activity, it is not psychoactive.


This confusion mainly occurs since people often don’t fully grasp the true meaning of the word ‘psychoactive’. The term refers to anything that affects the brain, thereby changing the person’s mood or behavior. Though it does not provide a significant high like THC, CBD does affect the brain, it has the potential to influence mood, feelings, and has been reported to relieve symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety. Therefore CBD is considered a psychoactive compound.

CBD is non-intoxicating though, which is why its consumption does not impair brain and body functions.

Myth #2: CBD Is the Ultimate Solution

Cannabis consumption has become quite popular in the U.S, which has led people to believe that CBD is the perfect solution to certain issues like insomnia and anxiety. With this impression, people think that every user can seek CBD for the treatment of such ailments and expect perfect results.

It’s not that simple.


Although CBD has been proven to be beneficial against several illnesses, it is not the ultimate solution for everyone. Cannabis compounds, including CBD, affect people differently based on their underlying conditions. If a certain dose, frequency, or therapy using CBD worked for a user, it does not necessarily mean it will work identically for everyone else. It is why we highly recommend consulting experts with any questions in regards to treatment before consumption.

Myth #3 Cannabis is CBD

New users often get confused with the countless terms that revolve around the cannabis industry. Among the most common myths is one that the term CBD and cannabis are the same thing. Though this is partially true, the terminology is not necessarily interchangeable. 


CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant. The term ‘cannabis’, on the other hand, refers to the plant used in the cultivation process, from which compounds like CBD and THC are derived. 

Myth #4 Hemp Oil Is Rich In CBD

Hemp oil is often used in pursuit of beneficial results, especially those provided by the CBD compound. This myth is driven by the confusion that since hemp contains CBD, hemp oil would be rich in CBD as well.


Hemp oil is actually derived from the seeds of the cannabis plant, while CBD oil originates from the leaves of cannabis. Hemp oil may contain CBD, but it is not necessarily rich in cannabidiol. Additionally, sellers are required to have a license to sell CBD, whether it is present in hemp oil or in any other product.

Myth #5 CBD is Addictive

This myth often pertains to new users. As many speculate that CBD is an addictive compound, and if consumed, it will lead to addiction. This is entirely false.


The reason why people wrongly associate CBD with addiction comes from a chain of misinformation. Many people believe that the term CBD and cannabis are the same, and all cannabis leads to psychoactive effects, and anything that leads to psychoactive effects is addictive (the last one stems from the fact that smoking or drinking also causes intoxicating effects).

In reality, CBD has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a non-intoxicating and non-addictive compound found in hemp, which is a class of cultivated cannabis plant.

Where to Find CBD Near Me?

For more information on CBD, visit our page online.

Are you looking for top-grade CBD-based products in Nevada? Head over to the award-winning Las Vegas dispensary, Medizin, where we cultivate, produce, and sell with quality and consistency in mind. 

Order online today for delivery and pickup, or visit our knowledgeable budtenders in-store from:

Sun-Wed: 8:00am-1:00am

Thurs-Sat: 8:00am-3:00am

Medizin Las Vegas

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